October 29, 2009. First mid-week update! It's a short one in response to a request, but this is exactly what I had in mind when I added the "and whenever I feel like it" to the update schedule -- longer strips for Mondays and random quick responses when I can. Thanks Hilda.
If you don't get the joke, you might want to see The Bluebook. And if you still don't get it, well, sorry.
Somewhat ironically, I've officially renamed the comic from "Lawless Lagomorphs" to "Tort Bunnies" despite the fact that this comic has neither a tort nor a bunny (not directly anyway -- free carrot to the first person to find my hidden bunny reference!). Although not all of the comics involve a tort, most of the people I've talked to refer to it as "Tort Bunnies" and have a hard time remembering "Lawless Lagomorphs" or "LawLag", so I might as well make "Tort Bunnies" the official moniker.
Update (10/10/2010): As Sfreedman pointed out, the periods should be underlined, so now they are!