Tort Bunnies: Equitable

Tort Bunnies Two more bunnies!

Principal Case

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September 05, 2011. I think this is a pretty accurate metaphor for our justice system in general.

See Popov v. Hayashi [PDF]. Alex Popov caught Barry Bond's seventy-third home run. Or rather, he almost did, because as soon as the ball hit his glove, he was swarmed by a "band of wrongdoers", causing him to lose control of the ball. In the ensuing mayhem, Dennis Hayashi picked up the ball and refused to give it back to Popov, precipitating a lawsuit over who owned said ball. Unable to determine whether Popov would have maintained possession of the ball had he not been assaulted, the judge decided to do the Solomonic thing: Sell the ball and split the proceeds.

On an unrelated note, I still have some duck shirts on sale at $15 per shirt. E-mail andrew AT tortbunnies DOT com if you're interested.


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