July 18, 2011. Penny Arcade gets some credit for this one.
I've addressed billing and time-keeping before. I still don't think it makes sense to bill a client per hour. Moral hazards and all that jazz.
That said, I think it makes sense for lawyers to track what they're working on and how much time they spend it. Each case is different, so it's hard for a client to compare work product. Is an attorney charging thousands of dollars because it's a really hard case? Or because she's screwing around? A time-tracking report isn't perfect, but it's at least something the client can use to assess attorney performance. And the process of time tracking gives the attorney some feedback on how efficient she is.
And in practice, I guess it works out this way anyway. Firms say they bill per hour, but in reality, the partners have some idea of how much something should cost and write off anything that goes over.