March 29, 2010. See Dirty Harry.
Homicide is occasionally justifiable, but deadly force is generally not condoned in the defense of property -- except maybe in Texas. See the Joe Horn case.
Note that had Brown Rabbit broken into Tort Bunny's home to steal her carrot, the Castle Doctrine may have come into play. The Castle Doctrine states, that as a person's home is her castle, she is entitled to use deadly force to defend it. Castle Doctrines differ from state to state however, and not all states have a Castle Doctrine.
Appropriately enough, Colorado calls their Castle Doctrine the "Make My Day" law.
Two other things: First, Tort Bunnies is now accessible to the blind. Second, YOU CAN NOW BUY TORT BUNNIES T-SHIRTS (and some other stuff too) at Zazzle. I also have an alternate shop at MySoti that I'm experimenting with. See here for a comparison of the two.
Tort Bunnies does cost me a small amount of money each month to pay for hosting and no small amount of time, so I'm selling the t-shirts at slightly above cost. Much thanks to anyone who buys one. Also, if you want to support Tort Bunnies but don't really need another t-shirt, please consider donating. Anything is appreciated!